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PK Alerta


PKAlerta is a tool to support train driving. With various functionalities aimed at making driving more efficient and safer, the application is a great ally for professionals in the field.

One of the main features of the application is the information about the kilometer point where the train is located, as well as the identification of the line it is circulating on. In addition, the application also provides accurate information about the train schedule, travel time, and possible delays or advances.

Another advantage of the application is its ability to assist in "driving economy". This means that, with the use of the application, the train driver can make more informed decisions about the ideal speed for their train, helping to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions.

PKAlerta also includes alarms that alert the train driver to possible hazards on the route, such as slackening, crossings, stops, and speed limits.

In summary, PKAlerta is an extremely useful tool for train drivers, helping them to drive with greater safety, efficiency, and precision. With its various functionalities, the application certainly contributes to making rail transport safer and more reliable for everyone.


Android Installer

download   3367.apk


PK Alerta
PK Alerta
PK Alerta
PK Alerta
6.3.0 - 2024-03-08

- Nas Definições foi adicionada a possibilidade de verificar se o Bluetooth está ativo para o Modo Horário Simples.

- Caso o comboio circule em Espanha, é automaticamente ativado o modo que imprime todas as Dependências da linha.

- Caso o comboio circule em Espanha e seja do tipo Mercadorias, após o fim de um afrouxamento é automaticamente ativado o Diálogo de captura de distância.

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Additional Information

Updated: 2024-05-11
Current version: 6.4.6
Minimum Android version supported: >= 4.4
Programmer: Vitor Mendanha
Contact Programmer: /?contact_mendanha

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