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Meu Calendário CP

Meu Calendário CP


The Meu Calendário APP is a personal calendar optimized for your work schedule. It provides a range of features that are tailored to suit your personal needs and ensure that you stay on top of your work schedule.

Here are some of the key features of the app:

  • View your work schedule and supported schedules
  • Change rotation
  • Track PBs, Rests Off Site, Absences, and more
  • Check holiday plans
  • Add personal notes
  • Search for trains
  • Search within the fixed service
  • Search and contact colleagues
  • Share your rotation with colleagues
  • Backup your data in multiple clouds and locally
  • Shared Dropbox
  • GPS Alarm
  • Check train delays and schedules
  • Start-of-rotation alarm
  • Offline access
  • Widget for quick access
  • And much more

With the Meu Calendário APP, you have everything you need to stay on top of your work schedule. Whether you want to track your absences or check the train schedules, this app has got you covered.

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to optimize your work schedule and make your life easier.


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Meu Calendário CP
Meu Calendário CP
Meu Calendário CP
Meu Calendário CP
1.64.3 - 2019-08-15
- Na app existem dois tipos de horários dos comboios que podem ser consultados:
  • Horário da IP
  • Horário  em PDF
Por este motivo, nas "Definições" foi adicionada a possibilidade de definir o tipo de horário que deverá ser aberto através do Icon próprio que existe no Widget e na Janela de Editar Rotação.
0 visualizações | 0 Comentários

Informações Adicionais

Atualizado: 2024-10-08
Versão atual: 1.91.9
Versão mínima Android suportada: >= 4.0.3
Programador: Vitor Mendanha
Contact Programador: /?contact_mendanha

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