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Energy Alert


🔌 Energy Alert: Your Personal Power Outage Sentinel 🔌

Ever been caught off guard by unexpected power outages? I faced the same challenge in my condo's garage. Traditional market solutions came with hefty price tags and limited functions. Leveraging an old Android phone, I birthed a more flexible, cost-effective solution: Energy Alert.

  • 🔔 Versatile Alerts: Whether you fancy an audible warning, an SMS ding, or an email ping, Energy Alert has got you covered.
  • 🕰 Time Monitoring Window: Customize alerts based on when you most need them. Whether during business hours or the silent hours of the night, Energy Alert's got your back.
  • ⏱ Alert Delay: Brief power glitches? Set a delay! Get notified only when it truly matters.

Energy Alert is more than just an app; it's a beacon in the dark, ensuring you're never left unprepared. Be in the know, always, with Energy Alert.


Android Installer

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Energy Alert
Energy Alert
Energy Alert
Energy Alert
Energy Alert
Energy Alert
Energy Alert
Energy Alert

Additional Information

Current version:
Minimum Android version supported: >= 4.1
Programmer: Sérgio Moreira
Contact Programmer: /?contact

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