Hello, good morning!
Today is Friday, 14 February 2025
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Welcome to my website 🎉, the place where creativity and brilliant (or not) inventions live 🤪. Among many other things that I won't mention here so as not to spoil the surprise 🤫.

These wonders are only possible thanks to 2 superpowerful servers 💪 that live somewhere on this planet 🌍, which run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, with the sole purpose of keeping some applications on this site running 🤖. Isn't that amazing? 😎

Now, if you are one of those who believe that these applications are useful for you (because, you know, having some of them at hand is very handy, and on top of that they are free), and you want to support our creative work 🎨, you can donate 💰. That's right, you can contribute to support the costs of the servers and the continuous development and improvement of these technological pearls 💻.

You can choose one of the options available on the site, such as:

If you don't want to donate, that's okay, I won't tell Santa Claus 🎅. But know that I will continue to create ingenious things anyway, but know that your help will be greatly appreciated and will contribute to ensuring the continuity of these services and to further improving the quality of our apps 😍. Thank you for your time and the possibility of financing my craziness 🤪!

📣 Oh, and before you go, consider following some of my favorite channels! 🔥

  • If you like military modeling, you can't miss the Modelismo Militar channel! 🎨🎖️🚀
  • If you need a little help staying focused, the Pomodoro channel might be the solution! 🍅⏱️🧘‍♀️
  • And if you want to dive into a universe of music to accompany you during long periods, you can't miss the Andromeda channel! 🌌🚀🤖

Following these channels is a great way to help my website, as well as staying updated with interesting and fun content! 🤩

IP: | | BT

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